Authentic Choice

It has been months since I wrote a blog entry. It’s difficult to keep this going when I’m in the midst of writing a novel. The novel has had my devotion and attention, as it should. Its truly the new creative wave I’m riding. But I did a drawing yesterday because I found a house I’d like to call “home”. I’ve been looking for a house to buy throughout the summer and finally after looking at many potentials, I think I’ve found it.

Looking for “home” has been an interesting journey. With each house, I learned about myself, my responses to floor-plans, room shape, natural light, the energy flow that the houses offered, the relationship to the outside, the physical environment, the neighborhoods. It was a complex and many-layered process. There were only a couple of houses that briefly caught my attention in any serious way but then were quickly dismissed for various reasons. But yesterday I found my house…well, we’ll see if its my house. I’ve made an offer!

The house was built in 1910, so it not only has the physical character of an older home, it also carries quite a bit of “presence”. But, I have a real attraction to it. The house has loft and the social area downstairs is full of light, has a gracious amount of space with good flow. The side-yard has three large, mature trees that all arch over and seem to protect the exterior space nicely. The homes around it are all one floor homes, so the fact that its two story gives it loft and a fairly grand view from the master bedroom. After seeing it once, I came home and pulled three cards. It was an interesting drawing which is why I felt motivated to write the blog about it.

The three cards were: Energetic Echo, Purification, and Self-Reflection. So, clearly, the first one seemed spot-on  because the house definitely carries quite a significant amount of energetic memory and energetic content from numerous lives that have been lived there. When I went back a second and third time, I brought in Seer friends to walk through with me, to gain their perspectives about the place. They verified the significant energetic complexity and activity of it, which was meaningful and helpful to have. The second card I pulled was, Purification, which seems appropriate. The house will need some major energetic “spring-cleaning”. The energetic content that’s there can be moved along to refresh the space. This can be done in a very respectful and sacred way. The house isn’t haunted. It’s just that previous owners evidently weren’t aware of the accumulation, didn’t care and/or have any concept of why one would want to do this, But for me, it will be an essential first step in claiming the space for my life to flow in there, important for my health and well-being. This is a Safe Haven card, which has to do with healing. Much of healing, energetically anyway, is the removal of debris, removal of what is in the way of free energetic motion.

The third card was Self-Reflection, also a Safe Haven card. One of the attractions to the place is that it does feel safe. It also feels ample. It feels like it will support my creative process of writing very well. And, also be a place that I can share with others. The yard feels calming and sweet, without lots of work to keep up. The idea of living in a home that provides a sanctuary for self-reflection and healing is very attractive.

So, all in all, the drawing seemed accurate and helpful to the process I went through in making the choice to make an offer. It’s too early to say for sure how it will all turn out, but I felt inspired to share this with you, Dear (8)

Nancy Ashmead

Reader Interactions


    • Nancy Ashmead says

      Thanks…well, I haven’t landed there yet. But, perhaps by the end of next month it will be mine and I’ll be moving. These things take time. Thanks for the blessings.

  1. David says

    Wonderful news! The house sounds great but I think I am even more excited about the way you are devoting your self to writing a novel. I am really happy for you and routing for you on both counts.

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