New Explorations

This New Year is the edge of something more than just the turn of a year for me. Three days after the New Year, I completed the manuscript of my first novel. Its a coming of age story for a girl-become-woman, a reluctant heroine, and the turning of a star-ship civilization that has been based in another solar system for seven hundred years without a suitable terrestrial home-base. Its about healing individuals and also healing society in various ways. Its a future story, and I believe it may well be the first book of a series. Its now with an editor, and I have time on my hands and a shifting focus allowing me to circle back to this blog, which has gone unattended for a year.

Aside from the writing, I’m happy to report that in the last two months I’ve met quite a few new people who are impacting my life in interesting ways. Several have stepped right up close and seem to be occupying “good, close friend” seats in my intimate circle. Several others have emerged as potential allies of various sorts – either in a business-coaching sense or within the publishing world. Since I am suddenly in a new chapter with the completion of the novel, and wondering about publishing another run of Traveler Oracle decks, I am in a new place on my creative path.

Several days ago, I did three drawings in order to see what presented with regards to what these three people might have to offer me. I know I’ll benefit from business advice/coaching, so I’m curious if all or any of the three individuals  would bring high value to my process. Here are the three draws. I’ll just name the people A, B and C. I asked, “What does this person have to offer to my path? The draws were interesting, and I’ll be curious, as I proceed to converse with each of these individuals how the cards I pulled will relate to what I experience of them.

Person A


So for this one, I pulled Limits of Joy, Enjoying the Adventure, and Infatuation. Initially, it seemed to me that the first two were contradictory, but upon further analysis and thought, I don’t see it that way. Overall, this was the weakest draw of the three, and showed the least amount of positive energy. Limits of joy is about noticing one’s own framing of perspective that limits the fullest resonance of joy. Enjoying the adventure is about being clear who you want in your boat with you, and acknowledging each person’s strengths and abilities and assigning them the right job – if you want them on your boat with you. And then, infatuation, is an ego-centric issue, and a fixation that is sourced in a need-based way. So, this reading did not bode well for working with this individual.

Person B


This drawing was the most positive of all, it seems to me. The Promise of the Pearl is a message about the daily trials, annoyances, and details  that one must accept with grace and by doing so, you become the pearl of great luster. This feels like a “reality check” on expectations, but also carries encouragement of its worth in the overall scheme of things. The Door of Choice signals decisions that are likely to be highlighted and might be challenging for me to make (though that’s not generally one of my issues). But perhaps this individual will assist me with choices that might otherwise be tricky for me to make. Then, Synchronistic Love Dance seems very promising in terms of mutual support and joyful engagement  that gives off more energy than it consumes. My view of this draw is that this person offers strongly positive value to me as an ally.

Person C

StevenThe Wounded Healer, indicates someone who has done their own work and intends to be of help and of service to others. As a Hero and Heroine card, it is highlighting something positive that has come from something negative, and is the arousal of virtue. The next card, Authentic Voice also seems very positive and articulates deeply sourced creative material. Lastly, The Dark Side, A Bridges and Portal Card indicates a significant journey through unknown territory, or through challenge and the stripping away of power in order to move entirely through to redemption and renewal…no little thing this. It’s rather intimidating, but it also carries a hidden promise for whoever really takes the full journey. Based on this draw and interpretation, this person also has something very worthwhile to offer.

Fortunately, what Person B & Person C have to offer logistically are different, so I’m intending to utilize each of them as allies to the extent that they are available. It is likely I will not pursue any real relationship with Person A.

I hope that any of you who read this will find this an interesting approach that you can use at some future date as you ponder what “right action” is and who your best allies might be.

I hope to hear from you. Please know that it is wonderful to read your comments, and if anyone ever wants to share a Traveler Oracle story of your own (we could keep it anonymous if you wish), I’d be happy to devote future blogs to some of your own stories of discovery.

Happy New Year to you.

Nancy Ashmead

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