Unexpected Gifts

TLast week was rather stressful. But, as happens sometimes, life gave me a  boost, even though I didn’t ask for it directly. I was praying for larger things…praying for the world, and for those truly in trouble and major turmoil. Even so, in my own little life, there were some setbacks, and challenges and I felt vulnerable and troubled as I tried to sort out what “right action” might look like. But, by the end of the week, things had shifted, and these two sweet gifts arrived. First, my sweetie gave me these marvelous Indian sandals (as well as another pair). They are so lovely! And, ironically when we asked the company where they were made, it turns out they’re manufactured in Udaipur, which is where I lived for several months a few years ago on my international volunteering sojourn. Gotta love that!

Then, on Sat. my little seven year old neighbor friend, Hunter, and I picked some plums together off my tree. He went home and a little while later delivered this to my doorstep. I was utterly charmed, as he made this fruit salad himself!

Hunter's Gift

Well, I got the message that I’m loved and appreciated, and you know, I needed to hear that! Sometimes we forget to ask for what we need. But other times life conspires to send us such a message anyway! So, blessings on you, dear friends, as I pass the message forward. I am grateful for the meaningful and generous nature of my friendship with you folks who’ve signed up for my nowadays very occasional blogs .

And, just to concretize what’s been going on, today I picked the “Homeward” card. Indeed, I’ve been refreshing the landscaping around my property (which became mine on April Fool’s Day!), and though it hasn’t all gone the way I thought it would, there have been positive changes here. And, I am entering a period where folks are starting to come for dinner, out-of-towners are coming through, and I am happy to have a wonderful home that serves as a sanctuary and a place to connect with my community. Gifts indeed!


Nancy Ashmead

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