A Poem to Share

The Roots of Music and the Wings of Foretelling

By Nancy Ashmead



Before human voices parsed and packaged

With words and labels and plastics

With scrawled letters and figures

Before the separation and supremacy

Shredded the deftly woven fabric

Of our embedded existence



We were Wind

The breath carrying all

hurtling waves, scuttling clouds,

Howling and whispering,

Wind sang its ancient hymn

through us and we knew it

as our own.


When, tempering night’s chill,

Its sparky, snappy song

Dissembling before our eyes

Even the strongest living tissue

Fire’s many tongues

Delivering delicious warmth,

Gave us a gathering place

To appreciate its splendor.


Creatures crawling, flying, leaping, nesting

Boughs and caves, nooks and notches

Tides and seasons, moons and mountains

Their voices intact, harmonizing in complexity

We were able to listen,

Though we did not know what we were


Some strange turning away did happen

Beginnings are all but invisible

Yet taking that step led onward

And so the two-leggeds began their harsh journey

Blinded, buffeted, butchered

Powerful and prideful, dissatisfied and insatiable

This creature lost the heart

Of the song.



No longer listening but noisy with

ears tuned only for its own invention,

Hypnotized, captivated,

Civilized and cultured


For all its magnificence,

The journey’s exorbitant tax,

Has shorn apart the waft from the weft

Forgotten landmarks, desecrated pools

Pits plunged mercilessly into bedrock,

Poisons injected in veins and rivers


The great grief weighs upon us

We can see now where the path has led

Though we ache to hear the song purely,

We’ve long forgotten how.


And those miraculous few who are able

Are swept aside by the lumbering giant

We keep feeding and enabling in our terror

And our ignorance.


There will come a time

When the giant takes its final step

And tumbles in a tumultuous fury

Cracking and seething,

in its demise


Perhaps after …

When we no longer believe in the deliverance

The giant promised,

When the ruined path left behind

No longer holds our rapture or hopes hostage

Perhaps when the language

Of the giant becomes meaningless to us


We may hear the Earth-song again

in its many, marvelous voices that do not envy,

or crave but simply proclaim their presence.

We may yet feel that vital breath,

Breathing us



Beginnings are all but invisible,

And curses can be turned

With the power of a blessing

When it is the breath of something larger

Moving through your lungs.


May you and I listen beyond the gate of self-interest

Listen to the first music

And let it bless us and heal us

Allowing a new relationship to

Emerge and bloom

(Images:A painting by Hildegard, One of my own called Land & Sky, A painting by Carl Jung, me & Cedar Grandmother Tree)

Nancy Ashmead

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