
I have moved homes on average every five years since 1974 or so. I’ve become an expert. I laughed at myself this time because I realized that as a child one of my favorite things to do was to build forts out in nature -occasionally alone but usually with friends and/or my brothers. Well, that certainly set me up for a life of setting up new homes and finding it exhausting and satisfying in just about equal measure. I haven’t always changed communities with those moves, just homes; though over the course of my life I’ve lived in California, Washington and Oregon. At 61 years of age, I am claiming the southern end of Rogue Valley as captal “H” Home. And am in the process of looking for a home to buy. To that end, I decided to find a home I could rent month to month instead of signing a term-lease, while I hunt for a more permanent nest.

I moved-in over last weekend, but still had some things I needed to move and organize between storage units. To that end, I made good use of facebook, and put out a call for help. Before any response came, I pulled a card from the deck and I knew that help would materialize. I pulled “Resourcefulness”. This card is about being creative in finding sources of help and sustenance. Its the first time I’ve used fb in this manner, and I didn’t know what would come of it. When I pulled the card, I felt sure I would receive help, but for several hours I had to be patient and let the magic do its work.

By the middle of the day, a friend who recently moved to Boston from Ashland, read my request and asked a local friend on my behalf to help me out. She texted him, he assented, she called me, gave me his number, and we set up a time to meet. It all worked out and I had the extra set of hands to help me that I was so hoping for. It was miraculous to me that asking for help in this new format worked so beautifully. I am thrilled with the way resourcefulness showed up today.

Nancy Ashmead

Reader Interactions


  1. Aeriol says

    Lovely post. I just got this card the other day but I did not post it on my regular instagram/ FB feed. For me the hummingbird is always a reminder of my grandmother.

    • Nancy Ashmead says

      Thanks! Hummingbirds also feature in my novel…stay tuned about that. I hope to get it published this year. Blessings to you!

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