
Like everyone else, I listen to people, read things on the internet and glean what information I need to make my decisions. I’m leaning into interesting changes, as perhaps you are as well. I find I’m listening with a wider and wider sense of inclusion to other sources including birds, the wind, the water, my body, my blood and bones, and my deepest connection to source. Some decisions I make are superficially sourced, but when I’m informed by my deepest source, there’s a knowing. It arrives effortlessly, and it’s clear and without debate. It’s just there.

My most recent example is the sense that getting vaccinated against covid is not for me. There’s just a “no”. My head does have some reasons but the knowing was there, a signature quality I’ve come to trust when listening to that deepest, connected place.

I’m sharing my most recent painting because it depicts cosmic connection. It is Gaia personified as water, breathing in the cosmic emanation and breathing out evolution. We are in the midst of such a massive wave of evolutionary change it is challenging to trust and remember that LIFE HAS US, that parts of us are constantly being recycled, and one of these days the whole shebang will get recycled. So be it. I catch myself getting caught up and then I remember that the way I use my attention and my breathing, what I listen to and the quality of my listening can make all the difference in the quality of my life experience.

Nancy Ashmead

Reader Interactions


  1. Elaine Frenett says

    Nice to get your updates … and I so appreciate your input on listening to our inner voices. I’m just learning to … and it’s SUCH an adventure. I trust if YOU can do it – so can I. I just keep practicing …


    • Nancy Ashmead says

      Thanks Elaine. You know…I think we are all life learning itself awake. And each of us have strengths that others wish they had more of! Cheers,

  2. Susan Kramer-Pope says

    There seems to be an up-leveling in our listening being commonly experienced by several. I too have been experiencing profound expansion in visualizing and feeling Self as the flow of Source Energy through me…a recognition of ‘channel consciousness’ as referenced by Rev. Michael Beckwith. Experiencing…feeling this flow is new for me. It’s no longer just a concept! Juciy!
    Happy New Year, Nancy.

    • Nancy Ashmead says

      Thanks for sharing this, Susan. Yes, an entirely New Year…and each day is fresh if we can open to it. Cheers my friend!

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