Dynamic Balance

This painting is from the early ’90’s, when I was struggling emotionally with an inner conflict that took a while to unpack and sort out. With the help of a therapist I had a pivotal dream that showed me something important.  I realized at that time that I used the “Encourager” voice mostly in service to others, but not enough with myself. My “Creative” voice was strong, but the “Critical” voice was dominating my inner dialogue and I was suffering from it. After the dream where I grappled with a super-villian and pitched him out the window, I painted this image to remind myself to keep three of the major inner voices or key perspectives in balance. The critical voice or perspective brings the quality of discernment, and there are times when that’s important in navigating situations and relationships.

Thanks to my friends, Wendy and Ward, who purchased this painting after I had integrated the lesson and no longer needed it as a visual reminder. I just received this photo of it, and it’s like seeing an old friend. It’s like a mile-marker of how far I’ve come. I still have emotional tides and storms but there’s a growing interconnection I feel now that sees me through them like a beautifully rigged sailboat.


Nancy Ashmead

Reader Interactions


  1. Tish McFadden says

    Hi Nancy, thank you for sharing this journey! I love how your art and creativity serve as your compass. Is the painting you refer to the background here, or is there a link to see it? This is a beautiful page, by the way.
    Much love, Tish

    • Nancy Ashmead says

      The featured image is the painting of the three women dancing. Their colored skirts are the aspects: the Creative (orange), the Encourager (gold), and the Critic (the blue one).

  2. Wendy Groesbeck says

    We are so honored to be the guardians of DYNAMIC BALANCE !!
    Didn’t know what you named this painting until just this morning… I have always called it “Dancing Into Life”.
    Both describe it’s energy so beautifully. From the heart, W&W

    • Nancy Ashmead says

      Well, to be honest, I’m not sure I named it back then. That’s the name of the post, and it works for the painting too. Whatever…

  3. Maria Mazhary says

    Yes, please let’s see this photo of your painting! I am feeling very teased! But I enjoy the description of your process back then, very much as well 🙂
    Warm hugs, Maria

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