Pitfalls and Baggage

This category represents ineffectual habits of attention, limiting beliefs and self-invented coping mechanisms that trip you up, distract or prevent effective motion and authentic self-expression. These cards point to opportunities and challenges that must be overcome to progress on your journey. Once aware of what you’ve been doing (carrying) or not seeing (pitfalls), it becomes possible to move forward differently. You can continue on your path with a lighter load, freer to move and respond to what you find and encounter along the way.

Hero and Heroine

This category represents attributes, strengths, or virtues that will be needed and tested along the road of life. They may be latent until a circumstance arises that stimulates development or arousal of this capacity. They are generally benign and have gifts to bestow.

Bridges and Portals

This category represents the approach of a new territory – whether physically, psychologically or energetically. It highlights the real potential for transformation in the way you create your reality, and the experiences you are likely to have once you cross the bridge. Entry to this new territory will change the way you relate to yourself and the rest of the world.

Cycles and Seasons

This category represents cyclical processes, or evolving patterns that unfold over significant periods of time – having a beginning, a middle, and an end or completion. They also represent environmental responses that are time related in some way, or something that represents a special relationship to time.

Wild Cards

This category represents influences and chance encounters that can affect you in unpredictable ways. They are the uncontrollable, chaotic aspects and situations. Everyone needs a certain amount of protection from the elements from time to time for survival. But there’s no protection from change. It’s best not to take these situations too personally. Life is not always going to make sense, its not always going to seem to treat you kindly, yet sometimes it will treat you with wonders. So, try your best to take what comes with equanimity, resilience, and flexibility. And, learn from these encounters.

Vista Points

This category represents exalted states. It refers to those rare and pivotal life experiences that lift you to a higher altitude, a call to a spiritual path, or recognizes a relationship that is fundamental and sacred in nature.

Safe Havens

This Suit represents places or times of refuge, succor, regeneration, healing, and deep self-reflection.

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