Twas (almost) the Night Before Christmas…

twasWell, Friday before Christmas turned out to be quite a day. I’ve not even sure why I pulled three cards that day, when one is my norm unless I’m doing a full blown reading. So I took note of these, but couldn’t really make sense of them.

Off I went to the gym for a swim. I was feeling exuberant and swam hard, without my usual preparatory hot-tub to warm up my body. So it was that in the dressing room…well. I wrote a poem about the actual experience:

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through her house,

she shuffled and wobbled,

but never did grouse


Though the back was in spasm

Much help was at hand

For this she was grateful

It really was grand


It happened while naked

at the pool where she swam

She was dressing and talking

and then it began


Thank goodness for friendships

and elves through the land

for one brought her ice

and another a helping hand.


Elf three drove her car home

Elf four to the door,

Did bring her home safely

and settle her there


And so as the snow drifts

And Christmas descends

The light of these gestures

of love do crescend


O…Come I be Grateful

And a Merry Christmas to all

Those folks that I did know

and those I did not

We are all connected

and so don’t you know,

I promise to keep

all that good love in flow.


Anyway, by the time I was brought home by friends, and looked at those three cards I was amazed to be able to now make sense of them. The first looked just like water, reminding me of my swim. The second, the fury of my muscles going into spasm, and then, of course, the last one was all the compassion that was shown me by others in my critical, vulnerable state. Thought I would share this now that I’m on the other end of four days of pain and three days of residual soreness and tightness. Thanks again to all those who helped me in various ways. Whew…next!

Nancy Ashmead

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