On the Verge

This is being written before the website has been finished, so when it actually appears, time will have moved forward (or however it really flows). But, I’m aware that this is a fresh new chapter in the Traveler Oracle’s iteration, so I did a reading with this in mind. It seems fitting to share it, and my ruminations about it for this first blog.

About a month ago, a layout format came to me in a dream. I always trust things that come through the dreamtime, so I’ve begun using it. It’s a nine-card draw. Card number one, begins at the bottom with the Focus Card; then three above it, beginning to fan out, showing the initial breaking wave of change; then the five above that, representing further consequences and aspects to be prepared for and aware of. There’s likely to be other ways of interpreting the meaning of the lay-out itself, but this is what I make of it at this point.

I posed this question: What do I need to know about the Traveler Oracle businesswise or otherwise at this time?

Here’s what I drew, and the reading I gave myself while regarding the layout:

I laughed out loud as I turned the first card over, because it was so spot-on, being “The Oracle”. Well…it is a mystery that continues to astound me, the author, how the cards seem to present themselves! Oracle, indeed! HA!

This is a Hero and Heroine card, so it’s revealing an attribute that’s being called upon. To quote briefly from the text for that card, “The Oracle needs to let go of beliefs about achievement and personal reward. The stage of consciousness, where those things rule your behavior, tends to occlude clear seeing.” “The Oracle is in service to a calling that is not driven by ego aggrandizement or success in the everyday sense of achievements….The path of the Oracle is a curiosity practice…” Having this card as the focal card of the reading is a perfect reminder for me to gently hold as the center from which everything else flows, the intent to be of service to others. The voice of this Oracle is drenched in the intent to foster awareness and healing. Having the card in this position allows me to relax and trust. Already, over the years, there’s been clear benefit from its use. I can trust that it will continue.

Then the next card (among the three just above the focal card) was “The Threshold”, a Bridges and Portals Card . This suit is about being in a transition between states of being that are discernible from each other and could involve emotional differences as well as psychic ones. This particular card is depicting a point of departure from a place of perceived safety out into a larger, wilder world. It calls for discernment about timing and preparation. Again, it’s amazingly apropos to the moment and my question. I am still in preparation mode, at this writing – receiving some business advice, co-creating the dedicated website and organizing various aspects of the launch of this business. Having been in business before, I know what it takes, and also that it’s an on-going process. It’s good to have a plan (even though life won’t stick to it). It’s helpful to understand the structures that may be needed (as much as that’s possible). It’s also wise to be prepared for the emotional demands that are likely to be involved in such an undertaking.

The next card was “Dissolution”, a Cycles and Seasons card. This was a bit of a surprise, but in thinking about it, I realized that what is un-becoming, or what is being asked of me in this process is to dissolve the personal boundary I’ve held around this project. I’ve kept it very close and personal and small for my own comfort level, and also to give the project a safe place to develop slowly, mindfully and carefully. I myself have matured and gone through some significant life-turnings while this project has gestated, and developed alongside its author. Some, or perhaps all of that mental/emotional construct is now disintegrating because it has served its purpose. As time goes on, I may understand more about why this card came up at this time.

The next card was “Empowered Individual”, another Hero and Heroine card. Initially, I interpreted this personally, for me. As I leave the comfort-zone depicted in “The Threshold”, and step fully into the journey of the project as it unfolds, “Empowered Individual” calls to attention how one relates effectively to power. How do I relate to those with more (am I respectful and can I stand up to them when that feels like right-action)? And how I relate to those with with less (am I compassionate and protective to those with less power than me)? Upon further reflection, though, I realize that another layer to this is that the Oracle itself, as it moves out into a larger sphere of influence expresses it’s own empowerment too! This is a rather wondrous thought that hadn’t occurred to me in precisely this way before.

Now the next row of this layout (the five cards of the top row), represents further consequences – could be further out in time, and also further out in terms of space (wherever the Oracle happens to iterate out from the launch).

So, the first card of this outer row was “The Way On” another Bridges and Portals card. Here are a few key messages from the text of this card, “There is no escape…except through the door that leads upward. The guardian of the door will taunt you, tease you into believing that there is nothing better beyond….But once you commit yourself over the threshold, the guardian becomes your witness – the only one who knows for sure you are no longer where you were.” My own “monkey-mind” voice can be seen to play the part of the guardian, saying things like, “Are you sure you’re ready?” and “What if something bad happens?” and “You don’t really want to be in business again do you??” and so forth. So, I see that what this is saying, in this context, is that I’m at a threshold of what I think is possible, and until I move over it, the guardian has me trapped. So, this is a very helpful and meaningful card at this time. The message is, basically, move on or stay stuck. I’m choosing to move!

The next card was, “Fleeing the Dragon”, a Pitfalls and Baggage card. Oh dang it, you mean I have to stand up to my fears? Indeed I do! This card is saying very clearly that if I continue to allow that guardian in the previous card to intimidate me, my fears are going to run amok, and gain strength the longer I run from them. The dragon in my own consciousness will keep me running. So, I’m being shown I need to turn and face it. One of those fears is fear of success. I’ve known success and it’s demanding! Failure is less scary to me because it would probably not require as much change. But success, now, that means getting organized, being responsible for details and schedules, for filling orders and running into glitches that might be stressful. But, the most rewarding things I’ve done in my life were in response to an invitation of some sort. There have been numerous times when I’ve swallowed my fears and jumped in with both feet, and I’ve definitely benefitted from having made those choices to override the fear that would prevent me from dynamic change. So, yes, some courage is called for.

The next card also surprised me, as I drew, “The Season of Grief”, a Cycles and Seasons card. Hmmmm….this one took more thought.  Upon serious reflection, I realized that the entire motion of this project so far (almost 20 years of development) can be seen as my response  to the worldwide devastation of habitats and populations (human and more than human) that has reached such an alarming level in my lifetime. This Oracle deck has a healing intent- a profound intent to awaken, to stimulate new awareness about our place in the scheme of life on our precious planet. In this regard, then, it is my calling, and it is in response to my own grief about what is going on in the world.

Then I drew, “Poison”, a Wild card. And, yes, there’s some personal level to this, because as a “sensitive”, a Seer, and as I move out into more of a public role than I’ve done before, I’m likely to encounter some toxic responses, or simply interact with people who may be toxic for me. It will be important for me to clear my own physical, energy system often and diligently. But this can also be seen as the nature of our world right now, too. It’s highly toxic. It’s being poisoned – by ignorance, fear, and terrible separation (and now I see that’s another way to interpret “the Way On” – a kind of self-created delusion that we’re separate or better than the other creatures we share the planet with. And, in that regard humanity, as a whole, is being asked to take a vital and crucial step out of the hell it’s created with it’s focus that is destroying the natural balance). The message in the text for the “Poison” card, though, is that “…it is impossible to prevent all the undesiables, from minor criticisms to nasty gossip to physical poisons from entering your personal zone.” It goes on to say that the intent of this card is to, “bring to your awareness the vital role of developing discernment and techniques for clearing toxins of various forms.” I will need to pay attention as things go along, to maintain health and integrity as more public exposure happens.

Then, the final card I pulled struck me as rather amazing. “Incunabula” a Cycles and Seasons card, which is about the beginning first traces of something. Indeed, after dissolution, what happens is that nature begins to fill the void with something new! This is thrilling. It also lets me know that something that may be difficult for me to recognize is beginning to emerge, or will emerge. It highlights the truly new thing being pulled through from latent possibility into manifestation.

This was a fascinating reading with regards to the launching of this oracle deck, and my hope is that by sharing it, it will serve to inspire you to pursue your own inquiries with a sense of adventure, wonder and deep honesty. My intent for this blog is to engender relationships with people using the deck, foster further inquiries, exploration and disclosures that support healing and awakenings of all sorts. I welcome your comments.


Nancy Ashmead

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